Saturday, June 30, 2012

Story Time- There's an Alligator Under My Bed!

This is different from Celebrity Story Saturday because I'm filming the celebrity later today! So, here is a story to tide you over!


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Celebrity Story Saturday- Nice Try, Tooth Fairy

Today's Celebrity is our Math Lead Teacher- Mrs. Custer!

Mrs. Custer has had many jobs here at the Hills, but most recently she has had the position of being the Math Guru. 
If there's a problem with your equation.... she'll be there! 
If you don't know how to incorporate manipulatives into your lesson... she'll help you out!
If you need examples of Best Practices in math.... she's on the case!

There's really nothing Mrs. Custer can't do! Today she's proving that she's more than just a Mathematically-minded- mover -of-mountains, she's an excellent reader as well.

Today's story is about a little girl who loses a tooth. I know we can all relate to this situation. :)
The story is titled Nice Try, Tooth Fairy

Click {HERE} to hear the story or watch it below.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Time Flies!

My oldest son is going to Kindergarten in the fall and I'm all a-twitter with anticipation! I realize that I'm an educator, but even we professionals need a little help with preparation for this big step.

That's why I'm glad I saw {THIS} post from I Can Teach My Child. It's not a checklist, pass/ fail thing. It's just something to get me thinking. Check it out!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Celebrity Story Saturday- The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza

I loved the story of the Little Red Hen when I was younger. My grandmother would read it to me to remind me that hard work is always rewarded. If you're not familiar with the story, you can start by watching this video.

Now that you know the story, I bet you didn't know that there was a sequal! The Little Red Hen wasn't finished after her bread making. For dinner, she decided to make a pizza. The story today is about the Little Red Hen making a pizza, and we will see if her friends learned their lessons.

To read this story we have the one... the only... Mr. Clark!

Mr. Clark is one of our Special Education teachers and he is one cool fellow. The students he worked with learned that his personality was fun and engaging, while also being serious about learning. As a teacher, I liked how well he worked with us to make sure that his students were reaching their goals and making impressive gains.
Mr. Clark is an all-around hard worker. Just like the Little Red Hen!

Again, we filmed this on the last day of school. We're in is 'classroom' but you can still hear the announcements. Mr. Clark just pushed on through!

Click {HERE} to hear the story, or watch it below!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Celebrity Story Saturday- The Cow that said OINK

Our reader for today is a very good sport. Not everyone would sign on for a chance to read a story that requires so many different sounds and voices! But Ms. Harris is always up for a challenge!

Ms. Harris has been featured on the blog before for her wonderful work with the students here. Her music lessons are always educational and entertaining! (entertaining for the teachers to watch!) I was very impressed at how well she dealt with the kids her first year of teaching. Every time I came back into the classroom I saw that she had the kids in the palm of her hands! She deserves a medal for being able to keep student engagement with 25-30 six and seven year olds in one room.

Today Ms. Harris is reading The Cow that went Oink!

We filmed this on the last day of school for teachers, so of course there are announcements being made. We thought being outside would be quieter, but things never work out the way one expects. *SIGH*

Click {HERE} to hear the story, or watch it below!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Celebrity Story Saturday- The House that Jack Built

This summer is already off to a great start! I hope everyone is enjoying their time away from the classroom.

This week we have a special treat! Our reader today is someone that everyone in school loves to go see. In fact, I've had students ask to go see this person for no other reason than their "finger hurts" or their "tummy feels yucky".

You guessed it! Our reader is Nurse Burney! Do you recognize the name? That's because Nurse Burney is Coach Burney's cousin!

I have to say, Nurse Burney is my hero. Her office is always full of sick (and not so sick) students, yet whenever I see her, she has a smile on her face. (and a can of Lysol) She deals with everything from headaches, to true nastiness- you know what I'm talking about. *shudder*

So, thank you, Nurse Burney! You take care of our students in ways I could never do! ( sick kids make me squeamish. Even my own kids.)

The story today is The House that Jack Built.

 Click {HERE} to hear the story, or watch it below.