Science Experiment- Physical Properties

This post is a little late in coming and I apologize! We actually did this experiment a few weeks ago, I just never got around to downloading the pictures.

When we studied physical properties, we also looked at adjectives. How better to describe the physical properties of matter than by using adjectives?! We also had to describe things using our 5 senses: hearing, sight, smell, taste, and touch.

For this experiment, I took away one of our major senses: sight. The purpose of the experiment was to describe and guess the identities of the different liquids, using adjectives, based on the rest of their senses.

We actually had 4 liquids, but I couldn't find the 4th bottle, so I had to use a cup. It wasn't very photogenic. :)
Each liquid was clear, so students couldn't base their guesses on sight. Students worked in teams and traveled to each of the 4 tables, describing the liquid at each table. Some students were brave enough to taste the liquids, even after I told them that not everything was edible. (not poisonous, just not edible)

Students had to record their adjectives on a physical properties recording sheet.

Each class had a great time! The answers were- bottle 1: water, bottle 2: karo syrup, bottle 3: vinegar, bottle 4: baby oil.
We made charts of the descriptive words students used for each liquid, but I didn't get a picture. The kids did a great job!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Science Vocabulary- Living and Nonliving things

We are ending Unit 1 of Common Core and this week is a preview of Unit 2's topic. During Unit 1 we worked on types of matter, separation of mixtures, and scientific tools.

Unit 2 will have us working on categorizing living and nonliving things, life cycles of plants and animals, habitats, and all things animal related. Here is the power point we used this week to introduce some of our vocabulary.

'Linking' Log Cabins

I thought I was being so witty with my play on words, but it's not witty if your audience doesn't get it.

I was referencing the building logs called Lincoln Logs. Of course, my students had no idea what I was talking aout, so I had to find a picture.

A chorus of "Oooohhhh" filled my room. Ok, now I drop the cleverness...

Me- "Since we have been working on linking verbs, I decided that we would make some... Linking Log Cabins!"
Class- *crickets chirping*
Me- "Linking logs.... you Lincoln logs? Only with linking verbs?"
One student- "Oh! Like they sound the same!"

Give that child a medal! In fact, I did give him some Cub Cash. He is my new favorite. :)

We began working on linking verbs yesterday when we read the book Cinderdog and the Wicked Stepcat. Since 3rd grade is studying fairy tales, and I happen to love this book 'cause it gets everyone in the cowboy spirit, this book seemed the best fit.

After reading the book, we practiced speaking in our best cowboy voice. Because everyone knows, you can't learn your linking verbs without speaking like a cowboy!!

I'm sorry I don't have video of the kids. My camera is on the fritz. I'll get one uploaded as soon as I can!

So, now that we have our linking verbs, we need to know how to use them. Enter in the Linking Log Cabins! 

If you'd like a copy of the cabins, you can find them {HERE}.

Each student received 6 cabins and we filled them each with pronouns: I, he, she, it, they, and we.

Then we went through the linking verbs and filled in the logs with the corresponding verbs.

I plan on having my classes turn these cabins into a language arts/ science joint project tomorrow. Perfect timing for the school's Open House!! (tomorrow night from 6-7) Don't worry if you can't make it, I'll take pictures! ( I will find a working camera somewhere. My phone just isn't high quality.)

 I can't wait to see their finished products!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

South America Reports- Green Group

My (previous) third period class. Unfortunately, when we split the classes, this class was assigned to the 2 teacher team and I no longer have these kids. :(

Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Team 4

Team 5

Team 6

Any misinformation was cleared up after the presentations. 
Great job, Soldiers!

South America Reports- Yellow Group

My second period class with their presentations of their South America charts.

Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Team 4

Team 5

Team 6

Don't worry, any misinformation was retaught and cleared up after the presentations.
Great job for our first time!

South America Reports- Blue Group

The second week of school we studied culture of South America. Students were to work in teams to fill out a chart as we learned about this continent. Here are their presentations of their charts!

Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Team 4

Team 5

Team 6

Great job, Soldiers!
Don't worry, any misconceptions were reviewed and retaught after the videos. :)
Not bad for a first time!