Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Catching Up

Here we are, starting a new school year, and I'm just NOW blogging my first post! Shame on me!

To be fair, I did start a little late. My first day was right after Labor Day, which is a little funny since I started late due to some hard labor. :)

She's pretty cute though. Totally worth it.

But now I've been at this school thing for a month and I know you're wondering what we're up to. Allow me to catch you up.

We created math equations using popsicle sticks in PE. Here you see the winning team!

We created a new Text Talk poster- "The better to make connections with, my Dear." (Make a text-to-text connection!!)

We did a Mystery Matter experiment! While studying physical properties, I found some liquids that we could describe without being able to use one of the physical properties- color. Students used toothpicks to help them examine the liquids.

 Here you see students filling out their graphic organizers. 
They had to use their 5 senses, yes, including taste, to be able to describe the liquids. I told students that none of the liquids would hurt them, but not all of them were truly edible. In other words, you can take a lick, but not a drink! I had students dip their toothpicks in the Mystery Matter and put it on their fingers, then they could lick their finger. 

 This was our first Mystery Matter that I modeled for the class. It's clear Karo syrup. 

Here's how we described the Karo Syrup.

 Our chart- ready for our observations!

1. Sprite
2. Vinegar
3. Baby Oil
4. Water

 My new batch of Soldiers had a great time and did some great work. I think they'll be able to do some more experiments in the future. :)

Keep checking back to see what we're up to! I promise to get better at this posting stuff this year! I might just make you look at some cute pics of my baby though.