Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 18- It's Friday!!

I came back today to find a glowing note on my desk. Ms. Hubbard had no problems with my students! Everyone on class with Ms. Hubbard went home on yellow! Great job, soldiers!
They took their math test, wrote me letters, and created their flowers in science. What a productive afternoon! I remembered to take pictures of their work from yesterday. Here is my example.

 The kids labeled each part of the flower on the inside, along with what each part does.

Here is my flower garden, created by my talented students.
I have big plans for these flowers!

Today we had business as usual. In reading we did our 5 Finger Retell of the story from yesterday, The 3 Little Pigs.
Today we read the True Story of the 3 Little Pigs. Did you know the story was told by A. Wolf? The kids were fascinated to be reading a story told by a wolf.
We had charted the 5 Finger Retell for the first story, then we had to go back and "fix" the retell with what we learned from the "true" story. In the end, we felt bad for the Wolf. We no longer think he was Big and Bad.

We used stars for the things the first story got right, and an "X" for things that were wrong.

In math today we revisited what Mr. Burney had the kids do in PE this morning. Mr. Burney set up stations with the order that the kids had to set up/ separate the materials he had out into groups of some kind. Using the attributes of the materials, and knowledge of sequencing things, the kids were able to follow directions and win the game!
Since we took the test yesterday, and we have a 3 day weekend this weekend, I didn't want to start a new unit today. I also didn't want to just give the kids math games to play. (I like to save games for after short lessons.) So today we talked about attributes. Attributes are things by which we can sort other things. Here, watch this mini lesson.

The kids really got focused on shirts. :) We then filled out a chart on the different ways we can sort objects. I used legos as models.The kids were very adamant that my stick people have faces and hair. I drew the line at ears and shoes. 
There are many other ways to sort things, but we focus on things that they might see in math again. From sorting by attributes, we will move into patterns in math, and adjectives in writing! Knowing how to sort and classify objects will help us be better mathematicians and writers!

We then moved to our tables where we worked on a fruits worksheet. In preparation for Tuesday's activity, we went ahead and colored the fruits properly and cut them out.We stored them in our baggies that hold our Touch Math cards. The kids are going to work on sorting them and creating patterns on Tuesday.

*For home this long weekend- see if your student can sort things around the house. Use shoes, cereal boxes, eating utensils, books, anything! After they sort something ask them why they placed things in a certain pile. Were they sorting by size, color, shape, type of object? They can even help you fold laundry! See if your student can sort the folded laundry and tell you why he or she sorted it in that way. Bonus points if they put the laundry away!

Have a great long weekend, Soldiers! Remember- NO SCHOOL MONDAY!
And don't forget to check the blog tomorrow morning to see who our third Celebrity is for Celebrity Story Saturday!

Our Daily Brain

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