Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 23- Musical Math

Today started with a school-wide writing prompt. First grade's topic was "Create a new toy and tell about it." Students were to create a picture of a new toy that they received, then write 1-3 sentences describing the toy an what they would do with it. Being as it was the beginning of the day and the kids were required to sit quietly and work for 30 min straight, they did really well!

During small group reading time, 2 new teams had the special centers.

Team 3 had the fluency center. They had the story printed and had to out the story strips back in order, then write it down.
 Team 1 had the comprehension center. They had a stack of animal picture cards and were to put them in either the "pets" or "wild animals" category.

In math we learned a new vocabulary word: join. To join is to put 2 or more things together. To activate prior knowledge, we joined with Ms. Leahy's and Ms. Beckett's classes in the gym for a little activity. All of first grade has been working on the same song in music: The Ants Go Marching. To see the video of my class working on this song, go HERE.
Well, we did a mini lesson on what joining means, then we sang the song and joined with partners until the song was done. By the end, we had joined into groups of 10. Yea!
After the other classes left, we did it again with just my class to get a short video. Check it out!


The kids had a lot of fun. Afterward we talked about how we kept adding 1 each time and had to split some groups in order to join with another. Back in the classroom we worked on the lesson in our math books where we worked on joining different color cubes to find an answer. We also touched on turn-around facts, which we will talk more about later.

In science we FINISHED OUR LAPBOOKS!! That's right! They are done! Well, they still have to be glued, but other than that... DONE! Exciting, huh? The last piece was on Types of Eaters, talking about animals.

In the shape of a mouth, of course.

Carnivores, like lions and tigers, need sharp teeth in order to tear into meat.

Herbivores, like giraffes and cows, need flat teeth to grind their plant food.

Omnivores, like humans and bears, have both sharp and flat teeth since they can eat plants and meat.

This is what the lapbooks will look like when everything is glued.

Well, more or less. For our first attempts, I'm impressed. The next one we do will be better since we have practice!

I did promise that we would start our study of frogs today, and we did. We started by reading fiction and nonfiction pieces on the topic.

Tomorrow we will go more in depth with vocabulary and life cycles. Today, we just wanted to dip our toe in the froggy water to see what we already knew. (which was quite a lot! One of my students knew that frogs hibernate!)

Our Daily Brain

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