Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 25- Great day!

That's right! My students had a great day yesterday! The sub said she had no problems. Yea! And today almost everyone went home on yellow! (gold star)
Here are some of my happy campers. They are showing me they are ready to learn.

In reading we worked more on short "a" words. We read Mac the Cat and made a list of all the short "a" words in the story. We put checks next to words that were repeated in the story.

Then we made a list of a short "a" word family: The -at family.

Have you ever seen the show "Super Why" on PBS Kids? I love that show! I made sure my students had seen the show before I had them practice singing the -at family words 'Wonder Red' style. Here's a sample of the fun we had.

We had small group reading and centers today. Teams 3 and 5 were the lucky teams to have their pictures taken.
 Team 3 with their boards showing how they separated pets and wild animals.

 Team 5 showing their fluency work. They put their story back together and wrote it down. This is not all of team 5, some were out of the room.

In math we created numbers in different ways. For example, if the number was 8, we had to show 3 different ways of getting 8 as our answer. 5+3, 4+4, 6+2... you get the idea. We used manipulatives and the ELMO to have some math magic. After the lesson we got out the dry-erase boards and played the number sentence game with dominoes. I put a domino on the board and the kids had 15 seconds to write down the number sentence. To make it interesting, we played boys against girls. The final score was boys-11, girls-16. Great job!

In science we watched a quick video on frogs and their life cycle. 
I love Sesame Street, don't you?!

Then we created our Frog Cycle booklets. I had planned on it taking 2 days, but our copies got mixed up and the booklet didn't come out as expected. Oh well. It didn't stop us from learning! We wrote down the steps and the kids had to illustrate and color.

No teasing, I did my best!

I will have their Frog Books ready to take home next Tuesday, which is PARENT NIGHT!
We ended the day with recess since it was looking so dark outside earlier today that we didn't go out. I put out the blocks, they had books, and the option of coloring, but it never fails. I always have students that just want to hang with the teacher. :)

 The boys eventually went to blocks, but the girls wanted to be put to work. Far be it from me that I would say no to those faces! So, because of their hard labor, everyone had a large stack of graded papers to take home! Thanks, ladies! There's more where that came from! ;)

Our Daily Brain

REMINDER- Parent Night is next Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2011. I will let you know the time in tomorrow's post, but I would it imagine it is around 5. I hope to see everyone! Come see your student's classroom and see the project we worked so hard on!

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