Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 44- Countdown....3!

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm ready for days 2 and 1 to be over. It has nothing to do with my class, and everything to do with the fact that my throat is killing me and I need fall break to get some sleep and medication!

My soldiers were wonderful today. They were understanding when I said I was sick, and didn't make too big a deal out of my having a coughing attack in the middle of small group reading time. They were so concerned that everyone stopped what they were doing to watch me! It would have been funny if it hadn't hurt my throat so much! :)

In reading we read the story Counting on the Woods. After reading it we charted what the author saw in the woods, then we classified the nouns into singular and plural. I gave my students an informal assessment at their seats on singular and plural nouns and I think they get it! Tomorrow we look at possessive nouns. Mine! Mine!

During TIER II I had the students who were still at their seats create a scene about the song Waltzing Matilda. The kids were to create the scene and label the pictures with the Australian vocabulary from the board. 
All of my soldiers did a great job, but one picture stood out from the rest.

She even included the ghost of the Swagman that is mentioned at the end of the song! Great job!

As promised, I did get video of Mrs. Overton singing our Favorite Nouns song! Unfortunately, I left the camera at school and I'm at home blogging. I'll upload it first thing tomorrow! Mrs. O was kind enough to bring her copy of the Sound of Music so my students could see the scene for themselves. They kept yelling out "Nouns!" when the song said "Things". (Just like I taught them!) :)

This was the only picture I got of literacy centers today. That coughing fit really slowed me down!

In math we worked on collecting data. We made a chart of collected data during circle time. We graphed the different colors of shirts in the room. I forgot to get a pic, but I'll get one tomorrow.
The lesson had the kids filling out a 10s chart. (there was a number on one side and students had to figure out how much was needed to get to 10) I don't know what flipped the learning switch to on in my students' brains, but they got it! We've been working on missing numbers for weeks and they've struggled, but they understood this!
For now in, I'm teaching everything in a graph or table format. If that's what it takes, that's what I'll do!

*REMINDER* Report cards are coming out soon! I'm going to send home a Parent/Teacher conference sign-up form tomorrow. The administration decided that report cards will be given out during conferences- October 24-28. I will be available every day after school when we get back from Fall Break. (except Thursday) Tuesday will be my very late day- I'll be available until 6pm. (unless something unexpected happens)

** Next week is Fall Break!!

Our Daily Brain

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