Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 53- The Day After

I have to admit, I was expecting my students to come to school tired and crazy from their trick-or-treating last night. I warned them yesterday that if they brought candy to school it would get taken up, and if it was chocolate, it would get eaten. (by me!) However, everyone came in ready to learn and no one brought candy- or if they did, it stayed hidden.

One thing my students did bring with them... runny noses.  
* If you are a parent reading this- we need kleenex! Tissues, hand sanitizer and baby wipes would be great!

Good news on the Math front- today went much better than yesterday! I made sure each student had a copy of the 10 frames to use. So far, most have mastered the sequence of steps to finding the answers, but not necessarily the concept. I keep reminding myself- one thing at a time. I've now seen some of my students that struggled the most find a math strategy that works for them. Right now, that's all I ask for- my students working math in a way that makes sense to them.
I posted a mini math lesson yesterday on what we worked on today. You can watch it HERE.

During our whole group reading time, Mrs. Overton was back, only this time she got to be herself! First grade has studied animals, habitats, and landforms so far this year in science. Mrs. O loves visiting the beach and the ocean, and she had some equipment to show and share with the class! Here is a video from today of Mrs. O sharing her experience with snorkeling, and also sharing a book on starfish that she found just for grades K-2!

Or you can click HERE to see the video

I didn't film the questions after the story, but here are some things we learned about starfish:
1. Starfish are in the shape of stars- with 5 arms
2. Starfish have eyes on the ends of their arms!
3. Starfish breathe using gills that are on their arms
4. Starfish have suction cups on their arms that help them stick to a place, and help them move
5. Starfish love to eat clams
6. Starfish can't see color, they see things as being dark or light.

Thank you, Mrs. O for combining reading and science for us today!

Here are pictures from literacy centers:

  Read, Build, Write mats and cards

Um, not sure what happened to his letter tiles.

Our poems for this week- all on Halloween! I found these poems myself using Google. I typed in Halloween poems for kids. 

A poem about scary things knocking on your door. My students informed me that the witch and monster were not real, they were just trick-or-treaters going around asking for candy. I told them that made me feel better. I don't like being scared!

We were about to start these, when Ms. Leahy came in to tell me that Mrs. O was ready to read to us. We'll get to them tomorrow!

The class read-aloud for today was:
Such a cute story, and it goes with our Halloween frame of mind! It's about a hen who walks through the farm at night and everything looks scary! My students pointed out that not everything that Hilda thought she saw was really what it was. For example- Hilda thought she saw a snake, but it was the water hose.

Unfortunately, we didn't have time for a wonderful chart. In the middle of the story I got a call from my child's Pre-K teacher who informed me that my child had a pink, oozing eye. Gross. So, I had to split my class so I could pick him up early. ( It was at the end of the day. We had about 20 min left of school, but I had to get out before pick-up traffic blocked me in)

Here's hoping he can go back to school tomorrow! I hate having to call in a substitute!

Since I was running out of the building, I didn't snap a picture of our brain. As long as I'm at school tomorrow, we'll have one then!

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