Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 63- The sun will come out...

tomorrow! Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow.... we'll all stay on yellow! (that's the best level here at CHES)

While I'm not that big of an 'Annie' fan, the song makes a point. Tomorrow has all the potential of being bright and sunny. Or, if you're an Anne of Green Gables fan, "Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it."

So, why am I looking forward to tomorrow? Because looking back on today makes me depressed, and I don't like being depressed.
If you haven't already guessed, today was not the best of days. It had all the potential of being a rockin' awesome day. I had a meeting this morning that caused me to have to split my class after related arts and into math. When I came back to collect my students, the other first grade teachers raved about how well my class behaved! They were wonderful! They were perfect! They were angels!...

Then we went to lunch and my little angels fell from grace. To quote our cafeteria monitor, "Mrs. Delk, I'm sorry but I can't pick out one student out of your class that was doing the right thing. They were just really off today."
OUCH! Break a teacher's heart!
Now, while I could make excuses for my children, (they haven't gotten to go outside because of the rain, they didn't get to see me a lot this morning, maybe the lunch was spiked...) I won't. The truth is that my students know how to behave, and they chose not to.
So, this afternoon my students spent their recess time doing extra science and then behavior sentences. Tomorrow, they will write our cafeteria monitor an apology letter, along with wonderful behavior during lunch.

Now, on to brighter things. Our fables and folktales chart is coming along. We are filling out the chart as we read our stories, along with the lesson or moral the story teaches.
Today's story was The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. In the story, two mice get to see life from the other's shoes. Each of the mice finds that they are not cut out for the other's life. The moral: Be content with what you have.

The best part of the story (from a teacher's standpoint) was the fun vocabulary! The Town Mouse lived in the King's Court, so he used lots of words you might not find in the country. (of at Clifton Hills!) I plan on using the fancy words we found in class, just to see who's paying attention!

For practice, during center time today my students made an 8-square out of a piece of paper and had to use the new vocabulary in sentences and illustrate. Most students copied the vocabulary and definitions, but with practice, they will get more comfortable with the terms.

I was away for most of math time, but I can say that our new topic is geometric shapes. We started with flat shapes; square, circle, triangle, and rectangle. Fun stuff!

Our Daily Brain

Tomorrow! Tomorrow!
I love ya, tomorrow!
You're always a day away!

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