Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 70- The New Power of 10

Due to the flooding yesterday, Hamilton County schools opened 2 hours late today. What did that mean for my class? No related arts or TIER II reading intervention. We came in, unpacked, and started straight into math.

Behavior-wise, it was a great day! Everyone went home on yellow! (gold star for everyone!) Of course, it helps that I only had 10 students today.

That's right. 10. TEN! Seven of my students were out today! The room felt empty. (probably because it was)

As a teacher, only having 10 students in one's classroom poses a problem. I didn't want to introduce a brand new concept since half of my students would miss it. But I didn't want to waste a day because I was missing students! What to do... what to do...

We'll make a chart. I love charts.

The math lesson for the day was a toughie. In fact, when I looked it over I hated it. It was confusing and complicated, and that for me! I could only imagine how my students would handle it! The topic was making a chart of how to create new shapes. So, instead of doing the workbook page, we created our own chart. Since there were only 11 of us total, including me, we sat in a circle on the carpet for the lesson. Each student had a bag of geometric shapes, and a piece of paper to act as their table. (while sitting on the floor)

First shape- hexagon.
 6 triangles, 2 trapezoids

2 rhombuses and 2 triangles, 1 trapezoid and 3 triangles

3 rhombuses, and our filled out chart

Next a trapezoid-
 3 triangles, 1 triangle and 1 rhombus

2 triangles
Our filled in chart-

The last challenge before lunch- girls were to make a flower and boys were to make a robot. I have to say, my boys were more creative.
My girls' creations-

My boys' creations-
 We ended the lesson with one boy and one girl having to explain which shapes they used on their creation.

My students had a good time, and we didn't even need a workbook page to get the lesson across. Yea!

After lunch, during whole group reading time we looked at our new poems, found by Ms. Leahy. They are poems on shapes! How fitting! I didn't get a picture, but I hope to get video of us tomorrow!

My students were excited to be able to do literacy centers again today! They haven't gotten to touch them in over 2 weeks, so today was a treat!

 Spelling Texters

 Rhyming word matching game

In science we are learning about famous scientists and inventors. As a grade level, we decided on:
Thomas Edison

George Washington Carver,

and Benjamin Franklin

 I make a quick power point last night to be able to introduce them today. If you would like to check out the power point, you can see it HERE. Most of the information I found came from Wikipedia and Google.

Here's hoping my students are all back tomorrow!
Our Daily Brain

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