Friday, December 9, 2011

Day 78- Patterns

Not the most original title I've come up with, but it will do. Can you guess what we worked on today in math?

I love youtube. It's amazing what you can find!

This is one of our songs we sing to get ready for math as part of our calendar routine. We don't get to sing it everyday, but when we do it's a hoot!

So we worked on finding patterns while counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s. Let me tell you, this was not a hard concept for most of my students. We started with a clean hundred grid.

The first direction was to count by 2s and circle all the numbers we say.

Our findings:
1. "Mrs. Delk, it's a pattern! Square, circle, square, circle!"
2. "We circled everything that ends with 2!" That comment was made for all the other circled numbers too.

Next we counted by 5s and underlined the numbers.

Our findings:
1. "Mrs. Delk, we went straight down the middle of the page!"
2. "Look! The 10s are circled and underlined!" Me- "So, what does that mean?" Student- "The 10s are a 2 and a 5."

Last, but not least, we counted by 10s and drew a box around the numbers.

Our findings:
1. Ten must be an important number because it was circled, underlined and boxed up.
2. "Mrs. Delk, 10s are part of the 2s, 5s, and 10s."
3. "You can tell they go together because they all end in zero."

No one thought to ask how it could be that the 10s were part of an even family, and an odd number family at the same time. I know that 10 is not an odd number, but it is related to the 5s family and 5 is odd. I know that, had I asked, someone would have answered correctly. (I know this because one of my students pointed out to me just a few days ago that 2 odd numbers added together make an even number.) I guess I should have brought it up, but I didn't think about it till later.

In reading we reread our story and worked some more on using the vocabulary. In small groups we all took our individualized spelling tests, then worked on leveled readers and played a sight-word phrase game.

 You can find this game by clicking on the picture. It will take you to a wonderful blog that is written by a first grade teacher named Mrs. Pollard. You can check her blog out {HERE}. I have to tell you, my students love this game. I have one student who would rather play this game during indoor recess than do blocks or color. All she wants to do is practice her reading!

I am so impressed with how well my soldiers are improving in their reading levels! My third reading group is recognizing science vocabulary words like evaporation, condensation, and precipitation, along with being able to walk you though the water cycle.

I'd like to say that I got a lot more pictures of our day, but that would be a lie. Yesterday's field trip wore me out and I was exhausted all day.

*REMINDER*- Next Tuesday night is our Parent Night. It will be from 5-6, but first grade students need to be at school by 4:30. Why? Because they will be preforming their Christmas song that they have been practicing with Ms. Harris! You can click {HERE} to watch a sneak peek!

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