Friday, December 2, 2011

I have a Button!!

I know it doesn't seem like a big thing, but I've been want a blog button for a long time!

If you're wondering what a button is, well, it's a way to get your name out into the blogging world. I have quite a few buttons from other blogs on the right side of this site, and you can click on any of them and they will take you to that blog.

Now, other bloggers who might come across this blog can grab my button and take it to their blog to share with others! I love technology!

Well, I could not have done this myself. I am not crafty in any way. I went to the best of the best for my button... Ms. Fuller! You might remember Ms. Fuller from THIS Celebrity Story Saturday. I told her my idea, and she executed it perfectly! Thank you, Ms. Fuller!

Here we have Ms. Leahy and Ms. Fuller

But, even with the perfect button, my dream would not have been realized without someone to put it on the blog for me. Thank you, Mrs. Godbout! You remember Mrs. Godbout from THIS post when she shared her shape songs! You can also find Mrs. Godbout at her crafty blog {HERE} and at the CHES Kindergarten blog {HERE}. You can also find the Kindergarten Korner button on the right side of my blog!

Thank you, ladies! I could not have done this without you!

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