Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 99- Melts in your mouth...

Anyone remember that M&M commercial? They melt in your mouth, not in your hand! Well, as a science review, we did an impromptu experiment to see if there is truth in advertising.

We were working in our science workbook and playing a review game (for M&Ms) when I decided it would be fun to test out the vocabulary word melt with our tasty chocolate treat.

We knew we would need a heat source of some kind to begin the melting process, so we came up with 3 possible heat sources: a hand, a tongue, and a closed mouth. Before the experiment began, we predicted the outcome. We predicted which heat source would melt the candy the fastest.

Me- Which do you choose?
Student- The closed mouth.
Me- Really? Why?
Student- Because there is hot air in your mouth, so it will melt. 
Me- Well, why not just the tongue?
Student- Because if you don't close your mouth, the hot air will not get to it.

So, I chose 3 students out of my 'Random Child' bag to be my guinea pigs. Each student had to hold the candy for 1 minute.


Closed mouth

I know you'll be shocked to learn that the 'closed mouth' won. I didn't take a picture because it was gross. The one that didn't melt at all was 'hand'. My students decided that was because the cooler air in the room kept it from melting. So, two more students were chosen from the bag and we tried another experiment.

One child held the M&M in an open hand, and the other closed her hands over the candy. In theory, the warm air of the closed hand would cause the candy to melt faster than the open hand. After 1 minute, we found the results to be the same- nothing.

By now my students were all in uproar. They had to melt the candy! Next experiment- add friction and pressure. The rest of the class got to do this activity. First we all rubbed out hands together for 10 seconds.

Students- Mrs. Delk, my hand is hot!
Me- That's the point! We use friction to heat out hands and the heat will melt the candy!

After 10 seconds of rubbing, each student held an M&M in his/ her hands for 1 minute. Now we saw some results!

I realize that all we really accomplished was to melt off the color from the candy shell, but my students acted as though they had just won a million dollars. Success!

In other news, our math lesson today was on comparing numbers on a 100s chart. We have done this skill before and I assumed my students would remember >,<,=. I learned my lesson; never assume anything. We created a new chart to help us remember our symbols.

I got this idea from Ms. Beckett, who got it from Pinterest, I think. I thought it was totally cute!
However, even after practicing and repeating the skills, only one child received a 100% on their practice sheet.

Awesome job, Soldier!

At the end of the day, the school had a Cub Cash event- Game Day! Students with $50 Cub Cash and good behavior got to bring in a hand-held game or a board game. I had my blocks and games for them to use as well. I'm proud to say, I had 15 out of 17 students who were able to participate!

Have a great weekend! And don't forget to check back tomorrow for our next Celebrity Reader!

Our Daily Brain

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