Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 111- What a LOVEly day

I'm not going to lie. It was a teeny, tiny let-down that we didn't have a snow delay. (not that we needed one, but it would have been nice) But imagine my happiness when I arrived at my classroom and this was the sight across the hall...

 That's right! Our happy Administrators were cooking it up for the faculty! Mr. Evans and Mrs. Overton treated the faculty to pancakes, bacon, and sausage. I am so blessed to work with such LOVEly Administrators! Thank you, Mr. Evans and Mrs. Overton! (especially Mrs. O, since I know it was her idea!)


My students treated me to chocolate, cookies, and a flower. :)
And, the best part of my gifts, my students informed me, "Mrs. Delk, you don't have to share the chocolate! You don't have to share with your kids or your husband!"
BEST. GIFTS. EVER. My students rock!

Of course my students deserved something special from me too! Today we looked at 2 American Symbols using a Power Point I made just for my students! (well, and anyone else who would like it)
We started by making a chart titled When I Think About America.

Looking back, I think my students are so used to making KWL charts for other subjects that they forgot that they know about America since they live here. I'm not too distraught. If you look at the bottom of the chart, one of my students said just the right thing... has a flag.

(Also, you'll notice that the chart mentions Ms. Gillem. My students LOVE Ms. Gillem. I told her that she made it on the America chart and she was thrilled!)

The Power Point of the day was on the American flag, and the Pledge of Allegiance. If you'd like to check it out, click {HERE}.

In reading we introduced the new story vocabulary and words to know.  You can see that we are focusing on 'oo' words in spelling, and reviewing compound words.

Literacy center pictures:

 Word Wall, Poetry/ Fluency, Compound words

 Word Work- reviewing -ay words (cut and paste)

** Reminder- This is Parent/ Teacher conference week! So far I've had 12 conferences, just 5 more to go!**
**Also- Friday is a half day, and is our Valentines Party!**

Our Daily Brain

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