Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 119- Fake it till you make it!

This week is going to be a doozie, and that's me thinking positively!

First grade was volun-told (instead of volunteered) that we were going to be on a revolving schedule from the end of January until after the TCAP test, which is the last week of April, in order for 3rd-5th grades to get extra TCAP prep time. This week we are on 3rd grade's schedule which involves our going to related arts and lunch during 3rd grade's regular time.

In other words, our lunch time is an hour and a half later in the day than what we are used to. So, what does this mean for parents who are reading this post?

**WE NEED SNACKS!** Our kids start getting hungry around 10:30 since our lunch is at 11:05. This week our lunch is at 12:30, and that's hard on six-year-old bodies!

If you're able, please send your student with healthy snacks that will feed 18 small bodies. Cereal would be the best idea! Please, nothing with nuts, we have one student with a nut allergy.

With all that being said, are you seeing why this week is going to be a doozie?

The most important things we accomplished today were getting our new story vocabulary, starting our new unit in math, and taking the County's Math Quarterly assessment.

Here's our new vocabulary with the definitions we came up with as a class:

Acorns- nut that grows on trees
Beautiful- pretty
Branches- part if a tree
Careful- stay safe
Different- not the same
Interesting- holds attention
Poisonous- has poison- can make your sick
Types- groups of things

High Frequency words for this week:

about, because, part, teacher, draw, tiny, happy, added, loves, planted, tells

Here are some vocabulary 8-squares we created during small group reading time. Students wrote the word, put the word in a sentence, and illustrated the sentence.

In math we started a new unit- finding strategies to help us add. Today's strategy was Doubles. A doubles fact is when a number is added to itself. like 1+1, or 400+400. It's any problem where the numbers are the same and added together. 

Of course, I found a song! This is for #s 1-5. 

Here's for #s 6-10.

I feel that my students did a good job with this lesson, but only time will tell if they have mastered the concept!
I know my students have a concept of adding doubles, but mastery will show if a student can turn the addition fact around, and be able to recognize and solve the related subtraction fact.

I will be in a Math Professional Development for the first half of the day tomorrow, so I will be in the building, just not in the room. I have no doubt my students will be perfectly behaved angles!

This hug is for my students and classroom parents! We are going to need lots of love this week!

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