Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 121- The Power of Good Leadership

Today we talked about two very different leaders, Yertle the Turtle and George Washington. We can learn so much from them!

First, the King of the Pond, Yertle the Turtle. We read the story during whole group. For those unfamiliar with the story, don't worry... I found it on Youtube!

So, Yertle learned that he should be content with what he has... and that dictators will always be overthrown by the people when given enough reason and time.

General Delk's class learned that stacking turtles is a great way to practice ABC order! Not everyone stacked their turtles, I guess they didn't want to cause any pain, but they still put them in order!

 Mucho impressive, huh? And, thank you, Ms. Williams for holding them up so I could get the picture!

 And, just for kicks and grins, check out this clip from the mini movie Searching for Dr. Seuss. I watched this then it came on tv years ago and I loved it! (yet another reason to love Youtube!)

The tune will stay in your head for days! You're welcome!

Now, on to the real leader of importance, George Washington.

Yesterday we looked at {THIS) power point after creating a KWL chart. Today we finished the chart with what we learned and we went back and fixed anything on the 'Know' section that happened to be wrong.

Even after going over the power point, watching the BrainPop video, and using Google searches, there were still some questions that we couldn't answer. (One reason was that my school computer was running slow.) But I explained that it's OK to have unanswered questions. Having unanswered questions doesn't change the fact that we did learn a lot.

I am going to put what we did in math in a different post, but probably not tonight since the Quarterly Assessment tests are due tomorrow by 8am and I still have over half my class' tests to grade!

Just know, parents, your students learned some very advanced mathematical skills.... Algebra! In particular.... the Associative Property of Addition! I know you're impressed! Look for a Mini Math Lesson tomorrow.

Our Daily Brain

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