Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 156- TCAP Day 4

No student pictures today.
I know. My day started badly, with my car refusing to start. Then I had to have my car towed and a new battery put in.

Luckily, I have some rockin' awesome friends! Ms. Williams from Williams' Winners has a wonderful fiancee who offered to come get me and take me to school. Thanks, Mr. Robert!

So, I made it to school an hour late. Mrs. Watson (love her!) was in my classroom with my kids and she said they did a great job for her.
Since we were taking our math test today we practiced, and practiced, and practiced our math skills! We worked on addition, subtraction, and money. As it turns out, money was not tested, but I'm still impressed with their skills!

We played a money math game that I found either on a blog, or on Teachers Pay Teachers. Unfortunately, it's on my computer at school, so I'll download the link tomorrow. My kids had a blast, though! They got to take home their game to play with their parents!

If you're wondering why their money has hair growing out of it, check out {THIS} post for the explanation.

Even after all the practice we put in, I still wanted to pull my hair out... rock myself in a corner.... eat a pound of chocolate after the math test today. I'm not going into details...because it causes me physical pain to think about it... but I am super glad that today was Chocolate Day for teachers. I needed the sugar.

Tomorrow is the second part of math, and our science/ social studies tests. On the plus side, we will be testing in the morning- fresh brains! (Ewww, that sounded a little zombie-ish.)
After testing and lunch, we will have a special surprise for those students who had a great week with testing and behavior!

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