Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 163- Keep calm and test on!

Testing, testing, and more testing.
I started Fauntas and Pinnell testing today- that would be reading levels testing for those who might be wondering. It's also a large thorn in my side. I refuse to stress over it. My students have all made gains and that is all that matters!

The main pain is trying to come up with activities for the rest of my students while I am testing individuals. (so far each student is taking at least 30 min to test completely) I got 3 done today.

Well, it's Monday, so we did vocabulary. This is the last week for vocabulary since this is our last story in our text books! Our story is Frog and Toad. I love Frog and Toad!


This afternoon we read one of my favorite books. We actually read it last week, and my students brought in something to go along with it.

It's a story about a boy who lives next to a retirement home. He makes friends with the people who live there, and he asks them all the same question, "What's a memory?"
He gets different answers- something warm, something, that makes you cry, makes you laugh, something from long ago, something that is precious as gold.

Today my students brought in something that is a memory for them. Not everyone brought something, so our chart won't be finished until tomorrow.

 Shoes from kindergarten.
Teddy bear

 Picture of Dad and sibling
Picture of parents' wedding

Picture of Dad and sibling
Clogging shoes (mine!)

I can't wait to see what they bring tomorrow!

We also had to write back to Farmer Brown. We received this letter on Friday:

Obviously, Farmer Brown has not done his research on pigs. Pigs don't actually like being dirty! They are dirty out of necessity! We Googled why pigs rolled in mud and found {THIS} website. We learned that pigs love mud for 3 reasons: 1. Mud keeps pigs cool, since they don't sweat well. 2. Pigs use mud like sunscreen. 3. Mud keeps bugs away.

So, we had to write Farmer Brown back and let him know what we found out. Maybe this will show him that pigs need a hot tub- for relaxation and bathing!

I guess we'll see what Farmer Brown thinks tomorrow!

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