Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 169- Look at us!

My hubby has a garden in our backyard. He has been collecting toilet paper rolls for months so he can use them in his garden. (they are biodegradable and make good starter planters)

Well, I am sick of seeing toilet paper rolls around the house! So, I grabbed a bag full and took them to school. Surely to goodness I can find a use for them.

We brought out the paint, newspapers, Q-tips, and toilet paper rolls to create some beautiful accessories! No pictures of them working, but I got pictures of the finished products!

We are going to use these binoculars to search for some important things tomorrow.

Then, this afternoon we made HOMEMADE WATER-COLOR PAINT! That's right, we used the website I Can Teach My Child and followed their recipe for paint.

Check them out! All they need to do is dry overnight.

I found some egg cartons in the kindergarten closet, and the kindergarten team assured me they didn't want them. One teacher's trash....!

We'll see how they do tomorrow. Some looked really good before we left. Since we used such a small amount of the mixture in each cup, we only used 3 drops of food coloring.  I hope that's enough! Whatever the kids don't use tomorrow will be sent home.
Good times, right Parents? :)

**Tomorrow is clean-out day! I am moving grades and classrooms, so there's a lot to move out. Students- bring your backpacks! I can guarantee they will be full tomorrow!**

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