Friday, May 11, 2012

Day 167- Farmer Brown Came to Town

He's here! Farmer Brown made good on his promise and showed up at our door at 10am on the dot!

My students made mention that he looks a little like Ms. Gillem's fiancee who came to read to us during Dr.Suess week. (see that post HERE} But that was just a coincidence!

Farmer Brown promised that he would announce the winner of the pool drawing and here he is!

 Good job, Soldier!

Here are the 2nd and 3rd place winners

After announcing the winners, Farmer Brown was kind enough to answer some questions that my students had. 

Farmer Brown told us that he has 20 pigs! And all of them are going to be thrilled with their new pool!

The last thing he did with us was read us a story about when his animals decided to enter a talent show.

You can hear the story {HERE} or watch it below!

Thank you, Farmer Brown! You really made our day!

The rest of the day involved F&P testing, our picnic (forgot to get pictures), and more F&P testing. Farmer Brown was the best part of our day!

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