Thursday, May 3, 2012

Small Group Reading and Civil Engineering

That's right! Once again General Delk's Army surpasses common first grade material, and go straight to college level information.
I've said it before, but we've not done first grade material in my class in weeks. See this post {HERE}. Life is too short to be wasted being merely ordinary. We in General Delk's Army scoff at the merely ordinary as we fly past to the truly exceptional.

We reached truly exceptional during reading groups. During the first story we talked about the basics of Civil Engineering. Civil. Engineering.

Are you seeing this? This child is oblivious to the mechanics of building a proper tower. Just look at the base! Completely structurally unsound. It's not covering enough surface area to create a proper base!
It's no wonder that the tower fell on the next page!

My students and I talked about what the child could do to fix the problem. They decided that the tower needs a sturdier block at the bottom to cover more area.
We continued to read and found that the child did indeed figure out the best way to build a tower.

I am so proud of my students for recognizing the basics of proper tower construction! I told them that I would call my brother-in-law, who is a civil engineer, and brag about how my first grade students can explain the importance of a structurally sound base.

After stressing our brains over basic civil engineering, we moved on to birds. Must easier topic, relatively speaking.
Check us out!

Yes, those are my students being impressive!

The next group was just as impressive, the only difference is that the book is longer, therefore the video is longer. Then I had a parent come in during the middle of the story and I had to chop the video in half. *sigh*

**I think I uploded the videos backwards- watch part 2 FIRST!!**
Here is part 1

Here is part 2

My students are much more impressive than I, but they are not doing their work at 11:40pm like myself. 

Goodnight, all!

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