Saturday, September 29, 2012

BIG PLANS- Photojournalism

On Monday we were blessed as a class to have a visitor with an awesome occupation. Photojournalist, Ramsay Fulbright from News Channel 3, came to get video of my class bring brilliant.

 We, in turn, asked him some hard questions about his job. That's right, we really asked the tough questions and found out all the ins and outs of being an excellent photojournalist. Here's what he had to say!

** Some of the videos look a little different. Some files were too big to directly upload to the blog and had to be done through youtube first.**

1. What is the highest degree needed for this profession?

2. What are some specific classes or skills you had to work on?

3. What does your work day look like?

4. Do you use any special equipment in your field?

5. What specific position do you hold in your company/ job?

6. How long did you have to practice before you got your job?

7. What is the starting salary for your profession?

Off camera, I asked Mr. Fulbright which stories were his favorite to cover and he said he likes stories with lots of action. Of course those stories might be ones that involve fires or accidents, so they need competent professionals covering them. I'm glad Mr. Fulbright is on the case!

He also commented that he liked stories like ours; those that allow him to be in classrooms with fun, intelligent kids!

Thank you, Mr. Fulbright for sharing your time and experience with General Delk's Army! You're welcome back anytime!

Want to see en example of Mr. Fulbright's work? Check out the story {HERE}. Video from the classroom is his work!

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