Saturday, September 8, 2012

Kindergarten Common Core

It seems like everyone now-a-days is talking about the new Common Core standards that schools around the country are using. You'll see teachers talking about it on Facebook, Pinterest, blogs, and in classrooms. You'll notice I even have the Common Core App on the side of my blog.

As a teacher and a parent, I've been trying to collect Common Core material for all grade levels. You never know what grade level you'll be placed in from year to year! Besides that, I have 3 kids of my own that will benefit from the materials I find. :)

My oldest is starting Kindergarten this year and I was thrilled to find this Kindergarten Common Core workbook filled with all the Common Core standards and activities to match!

I. LOVE. IT! I love anything that makes being a teacher/ mom just a little bit easier!

Parents and teachers- check this out! They also have workbooks for other grade levels!

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