Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Persuasive writing- Commercials

We are working on Author's Purpose this week. Figuring out author's purpose is easy as PIE!

P- Persuasive
I- Informative
E- Entertaining

So we looked at writing to persuade today. One of my students was brilliant enough to recognize that commercials are persuasive in nature. I  showed the class {THIS} post from last year where I persuaded my students to use Miracle Money Grow.

I must say, my Soldiers were impressed by my winning personality!

So we created a list of things that my students love and would be able to persuade the general public to buy. We made lists for each item telling why it was such a good deal.
1. Bike
2. Justin Bieber doll
3. Motorcycle
4. XBOX Connect
5. Giant Hello Kitty cookie

The students divided into teams and had to create a mini commercial that introduced the product, told where you could find it, and how much the product would cost.

Here they are!

Personally, I like the motorcycle being sold for $10. I'd never ride one, but it sounds like a good investment. :)

Tomorrow we will expand our advertising empires to include newsprint.

Here they are again: Youtube versions


Justin Bieber doll



Hello Kitty cookie

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