Thursday, February 21, 2013

Junior Achievement Day 2013

Today was one of my favorite days of the year- Junior Achievement Day!! I love JA day! It's an entire day full of activities that I don't have to plan and are centered around a social studies standard. The third grade standard covered is on maps, commerce, and banking skills. I really appreciate that the skills are not only academic, but life skills also.
My class was lucky this year to have one of my friends be our JA representative. You might remember Mrs. Jana Kruse from the BIG PLANS segment last Saturday.

My students had lots of fun! You could tell Ms. Jana had previous practice in the classroom. :)

Here they are working on their "zoning" projects- creating their version of a perfect classroom. Students working in pairs, or triads. 

Students also learned the difference between residential, industrial, business, farming, and multipurpose zones. They created buildings and decided in which zone their building belonged.

One activity I didn't get pictures of was where students had to start their own business. They had to decide upon a restaurant concept, decide where to build, hire help, and advertise. *whew* My class had a good time, but you could tell they had never really thought about what goes on behind the scenes in a business.

Here are my students' writings from one of the last activities. Each student was assigned a section of the newspaper for which to write a story.

I really liked this activity. I might try this again when we review author's purpose.

When Ms. Jana left, we were sad to see her go. We decided to take some time to let her know that we appreciated all she taught us today.

Thank you, Ms. Jana for visiting us today!
Thank you, Junior Achievement for helping our community!

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