Saturday, February 16, 2013

Poetry Corner- Parade

I'm starting a new phase of homework- weekly poems and comprehension questions. I know this strategy isn't new, but it is new to my students. They were expected to practice the poem each night and complete comprehension and vocabulary questions. The culminating activity would be each team reciting the poem at our new Family Area. (I have to take pictures of the new room arrangement! It's awesome!)

We are using the Fluency First series the school bought years ago. Thank goodness we don't throw anything away! Here is the poem from this week:
The best part was having everyone find the beat and read along. Here is everyone as a group.

Then teams had a chance to show off one at a time. You'll notice my class is a little smaller than usual- it was a half day yesterday.

Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Team 4

Well done, Teams! I can't wait until next week!


  1. I like your videos

    from calloways

    1. Thank you, Calloways! I'm really proud of how they did!
