Wednesday, May 22, 2013

FOCUS: Elevating the Essentials

Our administration has chosen our book for this year's summer book study.

This book comes highly recommended by our Assistant Principal, Mrs. Overton, and by Dr. Faber who was our literacy consultant this year. The purpose of the book, if you haven't looked at the title yet, is to help our faculty to have a laser-like focus on enhancing student learning and academic growth.

In our recent faculty meeting, we briefly spoke about the main 3 points of the book. Mrs. Overton, realizing that teachers are visual learners, had video clips to match the points and FOCUS questions to guide our talk time.

1. Simplicity- Waiting for Superman
How does the video exemplify FOCUS and what we teach?

2. Clarity- I need help!
How does the video exemplify learning and how we teach?

3. Priority- TV Time
How does the video exemplify priorities and authentic literacy?

At the beginning of the next school year we will all do presentations on each of the chapters. (We were divided up into groups) I know I can't wait to see what we learn!

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