Wednesday, September 4, 2013

It's a new year!

Technically, it's been a new year fir the past 4 weeks. Things have been a little time consuming lately, and I apologize for taking so long to post! Here's an update of the last 4 weeks:

At the beginning of the year, there were 4 third grade teachers. We were placed on block scheduling and we loved it! I taught social studies, and I mapped out the whole social studies curriculum for the year (to match Common Core).
Not even a week into school we noticed that we were crammed in like sardines- 26 and 27 kids per class. I know some teachers have upwards of 30 kids, but my largest class has never been more than 21. Having 27 was a little overwhelming.

Anyhoo- our wonderful administration agreed that the classes were a little (lot) crammed, so we got another teacher! Woo-hoo! So, now we all have 21! Perfect!

To make sure the 5th teacher didn't feel excluded, we split the third grade into teams: One team consists of 2 teachers who swap once during the day. The other team has 3 teachers who swap 2 times a day.
I am now a member of the 3 person team, and I no longer teach social studies. I am now a science/ language arts teacher. Over the Labor Day weekend, I mapped out science to match the reading and language arts Common Core units.


I can honestly say, I am loving this year. Even with all the changes, the crowding, the swapping of students, I. AM. LOVING. IT.

So, keep checking back! I have 3 classes to report on, so you know there's always going to be something going on!

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