Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Artbotics Day 1: Journaling

This past fall Ms. Roach and I co-coached the Robotics team.  We did so well in our first year that we made it to Regionals at Tennessee Tech!

This spring we are taking the kids love of robotics and combining it with their creative side. We are also using this as a way to introduce robotics to new students, ones that might be interested in continuing robotics next fall.

If you are interested in Artbotics, check out the My Artbotics Weebly. It has some great information and pictures.

Students participating in Artbotics will spend 4-5 weeks learning about different art techniques and artists in the hopes that their new knowledge will help them create a self portrait. The last 4-5 weeks will be spent turning their portrait into a moving work of art with the robotic arms and robotics program.

In the same way that good authors know that they can't write what they don't know, good artists know that they can't create what they haven't first explored. In order to allow students to explore, through words, their thoughts and feelings, they will journal to begin each session.

On Day 1 we asked students to journal all about themselves using a 4-square. (This is an activity I have my students do in class when researching someone. We have done these for Nelson Mandela, Dr. King, the presidents, etc)

Here is the one that the kids helped me fill in about myself.

From there, the kids did their own. Here they are working hard!

 Here is a finished Day 1 Journal:

We talked the kids through what will be expected of them this spring. Then we showed them this video, that might explain things a little better.

Before sending them home, Ms. Roach and I let the kids explore some of the different art mediums that they will be using over the next 8-9 weeks. In the next session, we will be looking into creating portraits based on color and emotion.

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