Friday, February 7, 2014

President Research Projects: Lapbooks

We are a little behind in writing since the south shut down last week due to snow. We made up some time this week by being able to finish our research lapbooks.

To review a little, students were allowed to choose between 3 presidents: Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln. (the 3 that we had the most materials for in our school's library)

Students were then to use the library books and the Internet to research their chosen president, looking closely at these topics:

You can check out {THIS} post to look at the website that our school's librarian created for our students' research!
Students took their information and put them into mini-books, then glued them into folders to create lapbooks.
I am very impressed with how some of their lapbooks turned out! My students did a great job navigating Google and Wikipedia (not the best for college research, but just fine for our purposes!) to find their information. I told them that bonus information about the topics should be included for extra points.

Here are some of their finished products:

I used some of these websites to find mini-books for our project. Most of them were free!

Next step in our President Projects- brochures! Taking the information from our research and lapbooks to create an informational brochure on our chosen president. It's going to be epic!

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