Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Artbotics: Starting to come together

Students have spent the past few weeks studying different forms of portrait styles. Now they get to start their final projects- turning a portrait into a 3-D piece of brilliance!

Here's the example they were shown:

From the portrait, Ms. Ashley cut out 3 pieces that she wanted to motorize. (This is where the robots come in!)
Here's a view from the back:
Using the robotics programming we learned in the fall, students will make pieces of their portraits move! 3 of our students were on the Robotics Team in the fall. The other 3 students will get a quick lesson on programming in the next session.

Here's what Ms. Ashley's product is able to do!

Cool, huh?! The kids certainly thought so.
Students were told to think about which parts of their portraits they wanted to motorize. Students were also told to think of why those pieces were significant. As part of their final presentation, students will have to write an Artist's Statement about their piece. We really want to encourage the kids to go deeper than "I just wanted my eyes to spin."

Here is what we managed to get done on their pieces so far. Pieces were redrawn, cut out, glued on extra board, and cut out from the board.



 Eyebrows and mouth

Hair and eyes

Next week: PROGRAMMING!!

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