Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Reads and Seeds Week 1: Read 20

This year, Mrs. Kapp and I decided to co-host the summer reading program at out school.

We called it Reads and Seeds because there are 2 parts to the program: reading activities in the library, and planting a school garden. 
Mrs. Kapp has worked diligently to plan guest speakers and activities for the Reads portion. I have gone around to area stores and businesses, and had my class do pre-planting to plan for our Seeds portion. 

Week 1- Read 20 comes to visit!

To start the program, Mrs. Kapp asked of Read 20 would come and read to the kids. Of course Mr. Payne was happy to oblige!

Here's the fabulous Read 20 Readmobile!

We were happy to see around 20 students, with their parents. Students were allowed to check out books and enjoyed their time with Read 20.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend the first week. My daughter decided to catch a stomach bug. :(

However, I did have things started already towards planting our school garden. During TCAP week, my students got to sort, predict, and plant seeds that would eventually be replanted into our garden.

Checking out the seed notebook to see if they can find their seeds.

Putting the seeds where they need to be

Covering the seeds

In the weeks after TCAP, we noticed that the bean seeds grew extremely fast. Most of the seeds sprouted, but not all of them survived by the time we got to planting. :(

Never fear! I have a ton of seeds and week 2 will allow students to plant some more!

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