Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Big Plans- Tennessee State Representative

It was a BIG day today at the Hills. It started normally with reading, small groups, and writing, then who should come through our door?
Why, Mr. Evans, Ms. Newson, and Representative Favors!
You read that right! Tennessee representative JoAnne Favors came to the Hills just to check us out! (Well, to check out the school, not just General Delk's Army.) Imagine our happiness when she agreed to being interviewed!

As always, I explained that this is part of our BIG PLANS segment on our blog and I showed her our BIG PLANS poster.
I had explained to my students the importance of Rep. Favor's position, so I can only assume that they must have been in awe and a little shy. That's the only reason I can think of for their being so quiet when I started filming. (Goodness knows they're never that quiet any other time.)   :)

* I need to apologize to Representative Favors for the picture in the background. We had been reading the book What if You Had Animal Teeth to get ready for science and I just laid it on the ELMO not realizing it would be in the background. Sorry about the fangs!*

2. What level of education is needed for this profession?

3. How long is your work day?

4. Is there a lot of practice needed for your job?

5. What does a typical work day look like?

6. Do you use any special equipment in your field?

Thank you, Representative Favors for coming to visit Clifton Hills! And a BIG thank you for agreeing to an interview. When you left, many of my students commented, "She was so nice!"

Feel free to come back for a visit any time!
(Pretty picture)

(Silly picture)

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