Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 97- Blame it on the Barometric

Barometric pressure, that is.
I've decided to not blame myself for the fact that my students were C.R.A.Z.Y today. And I mean OFF. THE. WALL when I say 'crazy'. My only consolation was that it was crazy everywhere, not just on my classroom. I almost had to laugh when I say other teachers in the hallway, everyone had the same look on their face. (the Get-Me-Out-Of-Here look)

So, I choose to blame it on the weather. A big storm front is coming in tonight and tomorrow, so the air is heavier, which must weigh on my soldiers a great deal. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

The one silver lining in this otherwise horrendous day, was my students grasp of Simile and Metaphor. They loved the video on Similes and Metaphors in pop culture! We were singing and dancing along with the music, as well as finding the figurative speech. Take a look and see how well you can do!

They had the best time shouting out, "It says 'like', Mrs. Delk! It's a simile!" We're still working on figuring out the two things being compared, but they know what to look for!

We made our cut-and-paste vocabulary cards today, and most o my soldiers followed directions to a 'T'. I didn't get pictures, but they got to take the cards home, so you parents can see them for yourselves! There will be a test on the words on Friday.

For recess today, we spent most of our time in silence writing behavior sentences. Those students who finished their sentences with time to spare got to play until the bell rang. Those students who didn't finish, were allowed to take their sentences home to finish them for homework.

Read and Color books. Parents, if you see your child with one of these books, it is a great way to encourage reading and the kids earn tickets! My students know that if they take one of these books home, read it to a parent, and have the parent sign it, the student earns 5 tickets for their team! They're not just for coloring!

Our Daily Brain

** Friday is a Cub Cash event! Students with good behavior and $50 Cub Cash are allowed to bring a hand-held game or a board game to school to play with. I will send home something to let my parents know if their student has earned that privilege.**

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