Saturday, February 4, 2012

Celebrity Story Saturday 22

Today's newest Celebrity is none other than our First Grade Fearless Leader..... Ms. Payton!

Here are the Top 3 things I adore about Ms. Payton:1. She is unshakable. I've never seen her loose her cool and I find that amazing! I'm constantly running around like a chicken with my head cut off, and she brings me back with her cool intellect.

2. She goes to bat for her Team. If we have question or concern for the higher-ups, she stands unafraid and bound to get the answers we need. She should wear a cape to show off that Super-skill!

3. She has great fashion sense. Case in point- I've just recently become a scarf wearer, but I'm not so good with the styling. Enter Ms. Payton! She brought me into the world of scarves, and I can hold my head high with confidence. (without her, I'm pretty sure I'd look like an idiot.)

What better book for Ms. Payton to read, than one entitled Friends?

Click {HERE} to hear the story, or watch it below!


  1. Hi there!

    Today my Dad emailed me to have me Google General Delk's Army. See my Dad is also Gen. (Jim) Delk, Army (retired). He was curious what this was. I read your first post, and am super impressed with what you're doing. Good going! I also let my Dad know that this wasn't about him and what it's all about. Best of luck to you!

    1. Thank you so much for your comment! My students are always thrilled to learn that there are people out there that are interested in what they do. They are going to be excited on Monday to learn that a Real- Live General heard about them!

      Thanks for checking us out, and please thank your Dad, on behalf of myself and my students, for his years of service!
