Friday, February 3, 2012

Lookie! Lookie!

So, I was blog-hopping and came across Grow Up Learning, which is an awesome blog site for teachers and interested parents. One post is on great websites for helping students become better, more engaged readers.

For example, I found the website Into the Book, which is a free site for students and teachers. This site has helpful hints for students on how to become better readers, and it has teacher helps for engaging their students!

I checked it out and there are songs, lesson tips, student learning tools, charts and posters... it's wonderful! Check it out!

Also, there is a website that has books to read online for free, and it helps books get into the hands of students! Check out We Give

1 comment:

  1. Oh my!! This really made my day :)
    I'm glad you found my blog useful! If you are interested in more online resources, check out my website Explore And Learn

    Grow Up Learning
