Saturday, April 14, 2012

Look Who's Talking...

... to my class!
General Delk's Army had a special guest come speak to us all about our State Government! A great big welcome to.... Tennessee State Senator Bo Watson!

Senator Watson is married to our permanent sub, Mrs. Watson, and he loves to come talk to students about what he does for Tennessee! Not only is he our Hamilton County senator, he is also a Physical Therapist at Parkridge Medical Center. (yet another reason we love Parkridge!)

Senator Watson came to our classroom after Mr. Russell and I did our lesson swap Friday morning. I made sure to do a quick review of our government lessons before he arrived. Amazingly, we didn't lose a lot of information over spring break!

Executive Branch
Legislative Branch
Judicial Branch
Bill of Rights

Senator Watson began by going around the room asking my students the questions on their cards. The questions were all about the Bill of Rights and the responsibilities of citizens. Needless to say, Sen. Watson was very impressed!

Then one of my students asked him our 'trick question'.

Wouldn't you know- he got it right!
He also went through and explained to my students the difference between the two, and used my students as visuals. I love when visitors can pop out lessons! (Senator Watson, have you ever thought of teaching as a future profession?)

After impressing our Senator, it was his turn to impress us! He told my class some interesting information about our State Capitol building.

Did you know there are 4 people buried in the building's walls? It's crazy, but true!
The first person was William Strickland, who was the architect who designed the building. He died before the building was completed, so his body was entombed in the northeast wall.

The second person was Samuel Morgan who was from the State Building Commission. Senator Watson informed us that Mr. Morgan worked to get the building project the money it needed to be finished. Morgan is entombed in the southeast corner, near the south entrance.

The third and fourth people buried in the capitol are President James K. Polk and his wife, Sarah Polk. They are buried in a tomb found on the grounds of the capitol.

I was tempted to ask Senator Watson if he ever saw a ghost at the capitol, but I refrained. I was scared of what his answer might be.

We also learned that the capitol building was built from Tennessee marble, which is found in east Tennessee and has a pink tint to it. I'll bet no other state has a pink capitol building!

One of my students asked Sen. Watson what he did as a senator. He told my students that his job was to make sure that he did his best for the people who live in Hamilton County. He looks out for our welfare in education, economy, and our daily living. He listens to what we have to say and does his best for us.

 Senator Watson, we appreciate all that you do!
Thank you, Senator Watson! 

Pretty picture

Goofy picture

If you'd like to check out what else Senator Watson has done at Clifton Hills, check out this website!

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