Thursday, July 17, 2014

1:1 Summer Institute

Let me start by saying that my school is NOT a 1:1 school. (unfortunately)
My Principal saw an email for a technology PD go through his mailbox and thought, "Technology! Why, that's right up Delk's alley!" or something along those lines. I was called and told that this was a PD just for me. I was to attend and bring back valuable information for the rest of my building.

Challenge accepted.

What I love about HCDE is that their PDs are information packed. No, Clifton Hills is not a 1:1 school, but we are blessed with a plethora of technology. While we might not have an ipad in every hand, we do have enough that any technology PD would be found worthwhile. If you'd like to see what Hamilton County has available for 1:1 schools, check out their website:

Since I an ever the obedient worker (stop laughing!), here are some take-aways I had today from the different sessions I attended.

Introduction to IPADs in the Classroom

The instructor, Michael Stone, put all of his information for this session online. You can find his notes at:
His presentation was more geared toward middle and high school teachers, but I know that elementary teachers can utilize the information as well. You can follow him on Twitter @CoachStone12

iPad Tips
  1. Doceri (app) for presentations. This app works best with an appleTV, but can work with a Promethean as well with a connector.
  2. Invest in a productivity package like iWork, or Google Docs. Google Docs is free.
  3. Join Twitter. I am actually very new to Twitter (@generaldelk), but apparently it's a must have for educators. He shared that there are some Twitter chats that are very helpful: #1to1iPad, #edtechchat, #PBLchat, and #TNedchat (use to organize your tweets)
  4. Invest in note taking apps. Notability, Note Taker HD, Paper Port Notes, and Evernote are some that work well. 
  5. Dabble with apps! Most apps have some form of free trial, if they're not already free. Play around with them. See what they can do! If you're not a fan, then delete it and move on!
  6. Educreations (app) allows students to create and share lessons
  7. makes and shares web bookmarks. For those of you who like things color coded and organized, then this is the website for you!
  8. Invest in business collaboration tools- ones that allow you to control the iPads in the room. Make sure that students aren't playing games, they're following along with the lesson! Idea Flight Enterprise (app), Join Me (app), Near Pod (app)
  9. BookPress (app) allows students to create and share iBooks. Students also have the opportunity to buy hard copies of their work!
  10. Find video editing tools- allow students to create video presentations. Animoto, iMovie, Stop Motion Studio, Magisto, O Snap Time Lapse & Stop Motion Creator
You can check out to find app reviews before you buy.


Digital Citizenship

How do you use the Web? Are you thoughtful in your browsing?
  1. Access- to information. Google is my friend. :)
  2. Commerce- buying and selling. Find sites that you trust. Don't trust your information with just anyone!
  3. Communication- keeping in touch professionally and personally
  4. Literacy- knowing from where you get your information. Know if the site is reliable. Don't just assume that since it's online that it's true.
  5. Etiquette- mind your manners. Remember the Golden Rule
  6. Law- just because it's online doesn't make it yours. No stealing
  7. Rights & Responsibilities- Be a good digital citizen. Don't trample on someone else's rights while trying to keep your own
  8. Health & Wellness- not just using WebMD, this means to limit your technology time. Go outside. Read a book. Go to sleep. Don't let technology run your life.
  9. Security- Your business is your business. Don't put it all out there for everyone to see. 
Websites from this session:

Instructional Technology Tips & Tricks
Aslo taught by Mr. Stone

I chose this session because it was called Creating with Technology on the schedule. I stayed because I love learning new tips and tricks to use in my classroom. :)

  1.  Turn your tablet into a document camera. Allow your students to make/ take videos and pictures.  Students tend to be visual learners, so let them show what they have learned! (Doceri app was recommended for this)
  2. Todays Meet (website) for classroom collaboration, or 81Dash. 
  3. Create a shared folder for easy collaboration. Dropbox, Google Drive, or Sugar Sync were suggested. For schools with Chrome Books, Google Drive is the one for you!
  4. Make videos, lots of videos. It forces kids to think through pieces that make up the whole. How is everything in the video going to fit together? Let's plan it out...
  5. Own your own PD. Take time to read blogs and books that correspond to your grade/ subject. Participate in twitter chats. Mr. Stone added a list of Twitter chats that he finds interesting in his notes. Last summer I hosted a Book Study here on my blog. You can check out the book Teach Like a Pirate at the top of my blog in the labels section, or click {HERE}.
  6. lets you create, share, edit, and print rubrics from across grade levels and subjects. 
  7. Hour of Code- allows students to become familiar with computer coding. Our librarian, Mrs. Kapp, had each class participate in an Hour of Code last year and the kids loved it! Check out for age appropriate coding activities.
  8. Drawp for School (app)- for managing a 1:1 classroom
  9. Explain Everything (app) allows teachers and students to create tutorials. Imagine the creativity and information to be shared!
  10. Join a Public Learning Network- or create one! Last year I joined a PLC (Professional Learning Community) that was specifically for elementary science teachers. I loved it! If there's something that you're passionate about, and you can't find  learning group for it, make it yourself! Surely you can't be the only one in the county interested in whatever it is. Find some people, get some study material, and have fun learning together!

Performance/ Problem Based Learning

This is more than just research projects, or doing a culminating activity at the end of a unit. PBL is taking a topic and dissecting it until you know all its dirty little secrets. My students have done research projects in the past, and had a great time completing them, but this goes above and beyond. Honestly, I would like some more training with this. Maybe some planning time with my team and someone who has done this before. (hint, hint Hamilton County!)

But I did come out of this session with more than just a desire to know more. I was introduced to the website Mrs. Kapp uses Blendspace, and even created one for our President Research Project, but I've never gone to the website to make my own. I think this site is amazing! You can put all your links, materials, and pictures about a topic all in one place! When it comes to PBL, I can imagine it would be very helpful to have your information all in one place and at your finger tips. I can't wait to use this site more!


More websites to check out:


(current events as leveled texts)


Thank you to PEF, Hamilton County, and you outstanding teachers who made this PD informational and fun! I can't wait to use some of these tools in my school this school year!

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