Thursday, August 21, 2014

Same Place, New Face!

Welcome to another year at Clifton Hills Elementary! This is my 10th year at the Hills, and my 3rd year in 3rd grade. This past summer, Mrs. Kapp and I ran the Reads & Seeds reading program held at the school. We had a great time seeing our students each week, and our school garden continues to grow!

Technically, school started about 2 weeks ago, but this is the first time I've had to sit down and document how wonderful I anticipate this year being. Currently I have 21 students in my classroom.

We have a plethora of new teachers in the building, but we also have a new Assistant Principal! Mrs. O moved north to be with her family and we will miss her greatly, but Ms. Newson is here and she's already rockin' the Hills! (In a good way)  :)

To start the year, I decided that we needed to get on Ms. Newson's good side. So, the students and I read the books The Emperor's New Clothes and The Principal's New Clothes.

We compared the stories and created a chart. (sorry about the picture quality!)

To go along with the stories, I had my class create a new wardrobe for Ms. Newson.
Now I've had my students do this activity for Mr. Evans, but I don't think he fully appreciates the idea of a new wardrobe. (Unlike the principal in the story.)

Ms. Newson was thrilled to get so many fabulous outfits! In fact, she was so happy that she chose three of her favorites and wrote the students notes explaining what it was about their outfits that she enjoyed so much.

Here's a picture of all the outfits:

Here are the 3 favorites:

Here's a look at the whole board:

Thank you, Ms. Newson for helping us get a great start to the year!

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