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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 50- Naked Nouns

If I were to name the highlight of our day, it would be when I introduced our grammar lesson using the word "Naked". *giggle*

"Ooohh, Mrs. Delk! That's gross!" 
Me- "What's so gross about it? You were naked when you were born."

So, why was I grossing my students out? To review adjectives, of course.

I got the idea from a 5th grade teacher named Ms. Waddell. You might remember her from a previous post where teachers shared different songs and chants. She was getting ready to teach a lesson called No Naked Nouns. She wanted her students to understand the importance of using adjectives to 'dress up' nouns. Until a noun has an adjective describing it, it's NAKED.

So, I grabbed a copy of her adjective clothes...( you can click on the picture and copy/ paste if you want to use it too!)

got together with Ms. Leahy and came up with a cute poem (because our students love poems!)...

and began to plot how to review adjectives, using the word 'naked' for the shock value, and still keep the lesson on a level where our kids would get it.

After posting the poem on the board and introducing the topic of the lesson, we headed over to the carpet to read the story that would get our creative juices flowing. Now, I had gone all over the school looking for this book.

Any teacher worth their salt knows that this book is wonderful for teaching adjectives and new vocabulary. However, the only copy in the building was in the library and there were teachers sequestered in the library having their turn in the math professional development. *groan*

Luckily, I had bought this book at our book fair a few weeks ago.
Still good for adjectives and vocabulary, with the added bonus of being a seasonal book for an upcoming holiday. Score! We read through the story and posted new vocabulary terms as we went. Most of the words were French terms that Fancy Nancy likes to use.

French terms- (as they were used in the book)
Voila!- Look here!
A la mode- with ice cream
Oh la la- how nice
Bonjour!- Hello!
Mais oui- of course
Tres chic- very beautiful, fancy
Merci- thank you (I added this one)

New vocabulary-
Grateful- happy and thankful
Destination- the place where you are going
Banquet- a big meal
Mature- acting like a grown up
Charming- nice, makes others feel special

Oh my goodness! My soldiers had the best time with this! I asked Ms. White, who is Ms. Leahy's student teacher, to get a quick video of the kids repeating these terms. Of course, I reminded them to use their fancy fingers to make the terms more meaningful!

As we progressed with the lesson, every visitor we had (and we had 3 during the lesson) got to be impressed with our fancy new vocabulary terms. Ms. Gillem, Mrs. Green, and Mr. Evans were all told that their outfits were 'tres chic'. :)

After we went back to our seats, we made a new list of fancy words, to go along with our adjectives anchor chart we had made previously. Here are our new words...

The assignment- write adjectives on the different articles of clothing and color. Then use the different clothes to create outfits for Nancy and Ned Noun that are worthy of an "Oh la la!" We did this lesson towards the end of the day, so not everyone got finished. I promised the kids more time tomorrow. Here are some examples of their work.
 Too cute, right?! If you'd like a copy of the Naked Nouns poem, you can download it HERE.

  At the end of the day we had a school-wide Anti-Bullying assembly in the gym. After the presentation, Mrs. Worley, our school's Administrative Assistant and Ruler of the School (I really don't know what we would do without her), explained to the students about the upcoming  chocolate fund-raiser. More information on that will go home with students tomorrow.      

**REMINDERS** Last day for Parent/ Teacher conferences is tomorrow. I will be at school until 3:30. Report cards will be given out at the conference.
** Tomorrow is a half day. Students will be dismissed at 11:30!

I didn't cover everything we did today, but I did that for a reason. The math we covered today was a tough concept for some of my students, so I want to do a special post just about today's lesson. I also have some special videos that I'll share! I'm hoping that since I'll be student-free for a few hours tomorrow, I'll have time to do a more in-depth post. (I'll keep my fingers crossed!)

Our Daily Brain


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